Le Taj Mahal

Un prince naquit en Inde en 1592, sous le règne de la dynastie Moghol. Il s’appelait Khurram. Le père du Prince Khurram donna à son fils le surnom de “Shah Jahan”, qui signifie “Roi du Monde.”

Shah Jahan épousa Arjumand en 1612. Il lui donna le titre de “Mumtaz Mahal”. Mumtaz était l’amour de sa vie. Mumtaz est morte en 1631.

Shah Jahan décida de contruire le plus beau mausolée du monde pour lui rendre hommage. Il l’appela le Taj Mahal.


The Taj Mahal

A prince was born in India in 1592, during the Mughal dynasty. He was named Khurram. Prince Khurram’s father gave his son the name “Shah Jahan”, which means “King of the World.”  

Shah Jahan married Arjumand in 1612. He gave her the title “Mumtaz Mahal”.  Mumtaz was the love of his life. Mumtaz died in 1631. 

Shah Jahan decided to build the most beautiful mausoleum in the world as a tribute to her. He called it the Taj Mahal.